Looking for hardworking, dependable, team players who enjoy working outdoors. No experience is needed. Entry-level firefighting positions are available with FREE training. We welcome qualified returning veterans.
Join Our Crew
REQUIREMENTS: No experience is needed. You must be at least 18 years old, pass a physical fitness test, be willing to travel, and must be drug-free — ASI Arden Solutions is a drug-free, zero-tolerance company!
If you are interested in joining our elite firefighting crew, please sign up by using our online employment application or call us at 503.838.1006 to get registered for upcoming trainings.

Positions Available
Firefighter Type 2 (Entry-level Firefighter)
- Ensure individual readiness.
- Obtain briefing from supervisor.
- Model leadership values and principles. Provide positive influence. Emphasize teamwork.
- Acquire, analyze, and use relevant situational information to make more informed decisions and take appropriate actions.
- Adjust actions based on changing information and evolving situation awareness.
- Communicate changing conditions to supervisor.
Perform Firefighter Type 2 Specific Duties:
- Establish and maintain the physical fitness level necessary to effectively perform hard physical labor for extended periods under adverse climate, fuel, and terrain conditions.
- Perform wildland fire and prescribed fire duties including suppression, preparation, ignition, monitoring, holding, and mop-up. Use standard firefighting tools such as pulaskis, shovels, McLeods, chainsaws, drip torches, and fusees to do this work.
- Perform hand crew duties including packing heavy loads of fuel, food, water, and tools for miles over rough terrain in hot and smoky conditions to get to the worksite.
- Perform portable pump operator duties such as pump site selection, set up, and operation.
- Support chainsaw operations.
- Apply knowledge of fuels, terrain, weather, and fire behavior to decisions and actions.
- Use Incident Command System (ICS) terminology, organization, and command structure.
- Use and maintain personal protection equipment (PPE).
- Follow crew standard operating procedures.
- Ensure proper refurbishing and resupply of tools, vehicles, food, water, and supplies.
Perform Fireline Duties:
- Use Incident Response Pocket Guide (IRPG), PMS 461, to guide actions.
- Look, listen, and learn. Ask questions when appropriate and ensure you understand instructions when they are given.
- Ensure that instructions are clear and understood.
- Be a student of fire. Observe interactions and operations to expand experience level.
- Model leadership values and principles. Provide positive influence. Emphasize teamwork.
- Acquire, analyze, and use relevant situational information to make more informed decisions and take appropriate actions.
- Adjust actions based on changing information and evolving situation awareness.
- Communicate changing conditions to supervisor.
- Ensure proper refurbishing and resupply of tools, vehicles, food, water, and supplies.
Crew Boss / Engine Boss
This position supervises and leads initial attack fire crews in an effective manner to ensure the level of safety and morale that ASI expects of all of its employees, performing the following (but not limited to) responsibilities and duties:
- Establishing and maintaining shift schedules.
- Attending daily fire activity briefings.
- Briefing assigned crew members on assignments.
- Foreseeing fire crew needs.
- Anticipating necessary equipment and supplies.
- Ensuring proper fire suppression techniques.
- Practicing safety at all times.
- Conducting evaluations of performance of crews based on industry and ASI standards.
- Maintaining order and organization in camp.
Skills Required:
- Team leadership.
- Decision-making skills.
- Ability to read and analyze industry contracts and manuals.
- Effective listening and communication skills.
- Stress and time management.
Squad Boss
This position carries out instruction from the crew boss, performing the following (but not limited to) responsibilities and duties:
- Keeping attendance during shift.
- Proficiency with manually program a radio.
- Reporting personnel injuries to supervisor.
- Reporting unsafe practices to supervisor.
- Supervise small group(s) of up to five people.
- Providing assistance to Foreman.
- Maintaining order and enforcing company rules and policies.
- Organizing lunches and water for all crew members.
- Organizing equipment for all crews.
ASI Driver
This position requires the following (but not limited to) responsibilities and duties:
- Keeping your Blue card & Insurance with you at all times.
- *No* use cell phone while driving.
- Ensuring the mandatory use of seatbelts while the vehicle is in motion.
- Hold Clear driving record.
- Maintaining cleanliness of vehicle.
- Checking fluid levels and tire condition.
- Upon return from an incident, oversee the preparation of vehicles for the next dispatch.
This position requires the following (but not limited to) responsibilities and duties:
- Maintaining saws in inspection ready and present at incidents.
- Maintaining saw kits, spare parts, etc.
- Ensuring safety and proper saw practices at all times.
- Maintaining adequate eye and hearing protection, chaps, gloves, etc.
- Posting lookouts when working around saws.